The Sportwear for business companies social media

Sports is our way to bond, have fun and get more advantageous. Sportswear as trade indistinguishable from tech, in plan and promoting.

About This Collaboration

Sports and tech are parts of our life — a complementary of each other.

This bond ties us in collaboration as an individual of the ever-changing world, dashing and compete as a group.

Value of Collaboration

A Productive Moment for Digital Company with Sportwear Fasihon Style .

Comfort Sportwear

Joining The Sport

E-Sport Era

Team-up Value

Sport is reflection of team-up



Adrenaline can be possitive in a good way


Friendship Symbol

Work as a Team is Our Symbol


Looking for a collaboration?

Sukakarya II No 40,
Pasteur - Bandung, ID

+62 (022) 2000 289